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Fighting a Cell Phone Ticket in New York

If you’re like most people, then chances are that your cell phone is constantly by your side. It’s a great way to stay connected with friends and family, as well as a useful tool for work or school. However, the use of a cell phone while driving is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. That’s why New York State has some of the strictest laws on the use of cell phones while driving.

If a police officer sees you using your phone while driving, they will likely issue you a traffic ticket for violating this law. Conviction of this offense results in a fine and the addition of 5 points to your driving record. Points on your license can result in a driver’s license suspension, and significant increases in car insurance premiums.

Many drivers believe that it’s ok to use their phone while driving because it’s a “safety measure.” While this is true, using a cell phone while driving can actually be more dangerous than distracted driving itself. The reason for this is because it takes a driver’s attention away from the road, which can result in reduced awareness of other cars and pedestrians on the street.

The penalties for using a cell phone while driving in New York are harsh and should never be ignored. A guilty plea to this offense can result in a large fine, additional surcharges and the addition of 5 points to your driving history. Points on your driving record can also result in a driver’s license suspension, so it is vital to fight the ticket as soon as possible.

Distracted driving violations can be difficult to defend against, and a traffic lawyer can help. The goal of a traffic attorney is to have the charges against you dropped or dismissed. They will review the evidence in your case and advise you of any potential defenses that may be available. If a trial is required, the lawyer will attend the hearing at the NYC Traffic Violations Bureau on your behalf and provide advice and testimony as needed.

The best option when faced with a Traffic Ticket is to hire an experienced NYC Cell Phone Ticket Lawyer who can assist you in having the charges against you dropped or reduced. By hiring an attorney, you can save yourself time, money and the hassle of dealing with the serious penalties associated with a conviction for this offense. Call us now to arrange for a free no cost, no obligation phone consultation with a member of our legal team.

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